This was such a beautiful trip. It was towards the end of September 2015, right at the start of the off-season so no prior registration required. Peter knows the area because his family always chose Hermit Island when they did camping trips in Maine. This was my first time there.
We arrived and they told us that we need to drive around the campground and find an empty lot or ask if anyone is leaving that morning and then drive back to register and claim that space. So, we’re like “Oh, great, we’re going to be wandering around for awhile.” We turned left at the first street that came up, unknown to us that it was one of the most sought out areas because it has lots with ocean views and no neighbors. Just a few minutes in and a couple walking alongside the road waves hello and stops us to asks if we are looking for a place to camp? We say yes, we just got there. They tell us, “Follow us! We are heading out in less than an hour and you should take our spot. We think it’s the best one there is!” We’re curious and grateful and blurt out, “Okay! Thank you!” Phew, well, that worked out.
So, we drive over and our jaws drop. Thank you universe. I don’t know all the lots on the campground, there seems to be a bunch of great ones according to the map so I can’t claim our spot is really the best spot there, haha. But it was for us. After a crappy summer of health problems and cursing anxiety, I needed this. Something good, something easy, something lucky.
There was a thick fog when we arrived too (I LOVE fog, just not when I’m driving in it) and it felt like we were in the clouds. So. Freaking. Beautiful. I knew in that moment just how much I really love Maine. And how everything will be okay. Shitty things will continue to happen, but so will beautiful and happy things. Nature always reminds me of that. <3

Thank you Hermit Island for being so magical. We’ll be back again soon.