Our last day at the house was bittersweet. We left reluctantly, but we enjoyed our time there immensely. I recommend it so much! And just so you know, these opinions are my own and not in any way sponsored by Airbnb. We simply had a great time there and I want others to know about it too for their own getaways! Here is the first post about our mini moon, in case you missed it: part one.
The day wouldn’t have been complete without one last visit to Acadia. Somehow in our limited time, we managed to squeeze in three trails, including the Beehive Trail. It’s so fun to explore Acadia. Has anyone else been there yet? Any favorite trails?

A few days later, we came back north for one last thing: puffins! Our friend Julia recommended the Hardy Boat in New Harbor. It was a sunny, but breezy day and the water looked calm in the harbor…BUT NO. You guys, that was the most terrifying boat ride! They said it was a 7 out of 10 in regards to how choppy the ride was going to be, 10 being the worst. I don’t know how many of you are used to being on boats, but having the boat tip side ways 90 degrees and feeling like you’re going to fall into the ocean is not the funnest thing ever. Especially when you’re sitting on the top open deck. I actually laughed through most of it. Apparently, it is my coping mechanism for complete and total fear of my life! Poor Peter, he had an even rougher time with it. It’ll probably be awhile before we attempt that again.
But yes, puffins. We saw them! They are so much smaller than you think they are going to be (they’re about 10 inches tall) and tough to spot in the water. The incredible part, to me at least, is watching them fly past you. They flap their wings so fast (up to 400 times per minute) that their wings get blurry and look like they are hovering as they fly low over the water. They’re cute little birds. If you’re into this kind of stuff too, read more about the Puffin Project that helped restore puffins to the Gulf of Maine.

Thanks for following along! Whether it’s a day trip, vacation, honeymoon, whatever — it’s just nice to get away and explore. I’ll always aim to fill this blog up with as many adventures as possible. xo