July 2015


April will be a big catch-up blogging month for me, so I can start posting about this summer and afterwards as it happens, not a year later. Thanks in advance for reminiscing with me! July is the month I was avoiding the most because it was my first month with anxiety. It was tough. Sure, my photos here make it seem like everything was wonderful, but this is just a blog. We choose what we want to share on a public platform, but that is a whole other topic I can ramble on about — for another day. As I mentioned before, what got me through these first couple of months was having so many visitors to our home. We’re actually moving to a new apartment in a few months and the first thing I said to Peter was, “We can finally have a proper guest room!” Family and friends, did you hear that? 🙂

I love Maine summers because it’s never too hot and even if it is, at night, it cools down. It’s my favorite. And the stars. I love how easily you can see the stars here! My birthday came and went, I didn’t want to do anything — too many feelings! I did make a healthy dessert to share with some friends, super low key. Towards the end of the month, we took a break and drove to Maryland to visit my parents. I hardly get to see them anymore now that I’m up here, but Peter hardly got to see his parents when we lived in Philly, so it’s now my turn. I miss them and my sister all the time. It was a short trip, but fingers crossed that I get to show off Maine to them this summer!

The trip ended with a quick stop in Philly where we were greeted with a bunch of friends for brunch. It was so sweet to see everyone! My friend Brye took our offer to join us on the ride back to Maine and take a little vacation. Most of the photos are from that. So fun! Thanks Brye for coming to visit!

Brunching at Silly's.
Brunching at Silly’s.
I also started hanging out more regularly with a new Maine friend. Isn't her dog cute? Meet Scout.
I also started hanging out more regularly with a new Maine friend. Isn’t her dog cute? Meet Scout.
My birthday "cake." Adapted from Thug Kitchen -- that book is perfect.
My birthday “cake.” Adapted from Thug Kitchen — that book is perfect.
Valentine showing off to Charlie.
Valentine showing off to Charlie.06-july2015
Ben and Baizley
Ben and Baizley
Brye in Maine
Brye in Maine
First night back in Maine...Old Orchard Beach? Sure!
First night back in Maine…Old Orchard Beach? Sure!16-july2015
Pretty. Now that we've checked it out once, that's enough for us.
Pretty. Now that we’ve checked it out once, that’s enough for us.
And we shared the biggest box of fries. Worth it.
And we shared the biggest box of fries. Worth it.19-july2015
Exploring all the corners of the Art Museum and buildings nearby.
Exploring all the corners of the Art Museum and buildings nearby.21-july201522-july201523-july2015
I love the ocean. It also terrifies me.
I love the ocean. It also terrifies me.33-july2015
Exploring near Sebago Lake.
Exploring near Sebago Lake.
(Insert X-Files theme song here)
(Insert X-Files theme song here)

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