April will be a big catch-up blogging month for me, so I can start posting about this summer and afterwards as it happens, not a year later. Thanks in advance for reminiscing with me! July is the month I was avoiding the most because it was my first month with anxiety. It was tough. Sure, my photos here make it seem like everything was wonderful, but this is just a blog. We choose what we want to share on a public platform, but that is a whole other topic I can ramble on about — for another day. As I mentioned before, what got me through these first couple of months was having so many visitors to our home. We’re actually moving to a new apartment in a few months and the first thing I said to Peter was, “We can finally have a proper guest room!” Family and friends, did you hear that? 🙂
I love Maine summers because it’s never too hot and even if it is, at night, it cools down. It’s my favorite. And the stars. I love how easily you can see the stars here! My birthday came and went, I didn’t want to do anything — too many feelings! I did make a healthy dessert to share with some friends, super low key. Towards the end of the month, we took a break and drove to Maryland to visit my parents. I hardly get to see them anymore now that I’m up here, but Peter hardly got to see his parents when we lived in Philly, so it’s now my turn. I miss them and my sister all the time. It was a short trip, but fingers crossed that I get to show off Maine to them this summer!
The trip ended with a quick stop in Philly where we were greeted with a bunch of friends for brunch. It was so sweet to see everyone! My friend Brye took our offer to join us on the ride back to Maine and take a little vacation. Most of the photos are from that. So fun! Thanks Brye for coming to visit!