I keep writing and deleting this first sentence over and over again in attempt to explain my absence on this blog, but really, there’s no need. Sometimes you just live your life and these things get pushed further and further down the list and that’s okay! I’m simply happy to be back at it and get emotional (in a good way) as I look through the photos that have been sitting in my computer for months. So, moving right along, here are the photos from August of last year — which is perfect because they reflect those end of summer feelings I’ve been having. Peter’s brother, Chris, and his family came to Maine for a couple of days and stayed near Old Orchard Beach. We got to spend a day with them which is always nice because the boys are growing up so quickly.

The last bits of August were of us exploring things out closer to Portland, such as Mackworth Island, which is so beautiful! I don’t know why it took us so long to check this one out. We knew about it, but we kept pushing it back. We were also good at keeping active and walked almost every day at the Back Cove which helped me a lot after having such a scary July. I was still feeling the effects of anxiety, but by the end of August, I was keeping myself busy enough to see some progress. The hardest thing was getting enough sleep, which seems to be a problem for me again this summer. We also went to York to visit Peter’s grandmother and his mom was visiting that day as well so we walked around Long Sands Beach for a bit. Vacationland was still in full swing then, but in a few weeks, the beaches will be deserted and dog-friendly (which I actually prefer, haha).