Babes On An Island


One of the loveliest humans I have met in Maine invited a small group of women to come out to her home and go camping for a night. Her home looks upon a beautiful lake in Augusta which has several small islands. One of them being big enough for this band of ladies to have the most wonderful getaway from our busy lives and distractions.

All of us were in agreement that Ashley somehow sensed that we all needed (craving even) this type of lady bonding, relaxing, nature retreat around the same time. I don’t know what else to say about it, except that even two weeks later, I’m still thinking about meeting all those beautiful and inspiring ladies. It warms my heart to think about all the new friendships I now have, how beneficial it is to open yourself up to new faces, but still feel safe and empowered, and just have further reassurance that I am finding a place for myself in Maine. Thank you Ashley for bringing us all together. <301-babeisland02-babeisland03-babeisland

I didn’t take many photos of the day we arrived and when we paddled over to the island because I was battling my fear of the water. I’m proud of myself for not letting it stop me from enjoying myself, but I had my moments, haha. I had a hard time falling asleep that night because my arms were throbbing a bit, but then I must have woken up around 2am and it was the most beautiful sight in the world. I left my tent cover off on purpose so I could see the stars and it did not disappoint! The morning was magical too. I will never tire of those views. I apologize in advance for all the photos, but it didn’t feel right to split up this post into two parts. Enjoy!04-babeisland05-babeisland06-babeisland

Misty water.
Misty water.08-babeisland09-babeisland10-babeisland11-babeisland12-babeisland13-babeisland14-babeisland
Ella is such a ham. Not sorry for all the photos of her <3
Ella is such a ham. Not sorry for all the photos of her <316-babeisland17-babeisland18-babeisland19-babeisland20-babeisland21-babeisland22-babeisland23-babeisland24-babeisland25-babeisland26-babeisland
Photos by Gretchen Powers. I love it when others use my camera!
These two photos are by Gretchen Powers. I love it when others use my camera!28-babeisland29-babeisland30-babeisland31-babeisland32-babeisland33-babeisland
My carpool seat buddy snoozing away.
My carpool seat buddy snoozing away.

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