2015 was tough! But it was also filled with a lot of great moments. Every year, I try to think back on whether I think it was a good or bad year, but really, every year has good and bad things. Sure, some years are a bit better than others, but the fact that we got through it and are stronger and better people for it today…that’s something we have to be thankful for. To me, 2016 means getting closer to accomplishing big goals like buying a house, traveling more, and putting even more hours into Fern House Co. It’s also been great to return to blogging and do my own thing on the side through this website, it keeps me immersed in photography, collaborations, and doing fun projects at home.
Peter and I are also excited to cook more complicated meals together! Sometimes in our rush to make meals we find ourselves just taking out our phones and searching for a recipe. We want to actually use all these great cookbooks we’ve collected over the years and try new things. Anyone excited for any trips or specific goals for this year?
I’ll leave you with these photos from Christmas morning leading up to our first weekend in 2016. Happy New Year everyone!