After my last post, you’re probably wondering what I’m doing posting about these chocolatey and decadent cookies. Well, I made these for Peter’s uncle’s memorial so they were made to share with others and it was before I was diagnosed. Even so, a healthy mind doesn’t deprive oneself of treats, they just happen waaaay less often and you’re smart about it.
I’ve always modified recipes to fit my needs though (I think everyone does that), such as: I usually use alternative milks, olive oil is my go-to, less butter or coconut oil instead, vegan mayonnaise always, no soy, adding ground flax seeds when I can, less sugar, and I’m a sucker for millet seeds — just to name a few.
So, these cookies. I must start it off by saying that I love, love, love Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen! I’ve been following her for a long time now and her cookbook is one of my favorites that I own. I usually don’t alter her recipes or feel the need to, simply because of how she writes and how she makes and approaches food is very similar to how I see food. Every time I make something of hers, it makes me feel like she made it for me — like we have the same taste buds! That’s probably more wishful thinking on my part than reality, haha. She’s wonderful and if you haven’t heard of her before, you should go check her out.
Having said that, I decided to not post the recipe on here since I pretty much followed hers exactly and she explains everything better than me! I’m hoping my photos will make you drool enough to go to her site and make these cookies yourself. xo
Recipe and source: Salted Chocolate Chunk Cookies by Smitten Kitchen.